Please Accept or click here to know more. Get Certified >, By joining the NMSDC corporate member network, your company becomes an integral part of shaping the global business diversity landscape. This MOA will include joint classes, events, and business development plans. A handful of socially conscious major companies have long played a role in addressing racial injustice through supplier diversity programs that promote an inclusive approach to procurement. andMcKinseys report, Diversity Matters, examined data for 366 public companies across a range of industries in Canada, Latin America, the UK, and the US. A key issue is that diversity programs are often created reactively as distinct entities that are treated as nonessential. Recentresearchcommissioned by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) suggests that businesses run by entrepreneurs from an ethnic minority are more innovative than their rivals 30% have recently invested in new product or service innovation, compared to only 19% of their counterparts. Barry Swanson(Chief Procurement Officer). It can lift up disadvantaged communities and make your business more competitive. George also has a wealth of knowledge, credibility and trust with the DBE community gained through his years of service working in supplier diversity and in his role as a representative in the Kentucky General Assembly. Likewise, for more information about Dell Supplier Diversity, contact us via email. Success would only be achieved by transforming our operations and culture. Dell's subcontractors and suppliers, regardless of where the subcontractor or supplier is located, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to implement a Supplier Diversity program by doing business with concerns that are recognized as minority- or women-owned businesses within the regions and/or countries . To encourage such growth, Coca-Cola is spending over $800 million annually on diverse suppliers and has a goal of increasing that to more than $1 billion by the end of 2020. Achievement #4: Community Partners Meet Monthly. Goal #5: Update Supplier Diversity Assessment. Whatever topic you need to explore, find our latest and most relevant resources, guides, case studies, viewpoints and research evidence. Upon completion of the national search, UK hired Marilyn Clark to serve in the position. Get in touch with a Dell Technologies Representative with our quick, easy form and we'll help you fulfill your business needs. Diversity helps supply chains become more competitive, agile and profitable. Inclusion and diversity is good for business for many reasons; firstly it enables you reflect and understand your customer/client base better, aHarvard Business Review studyfound that when at least one member of a team has traits in common with an end user or client, the entire team better understands the them. Beginning with the start of the new fiscal year on July 1 monthly standard reports will be issued. When you become NMSDC-certified, doors begin to open up. Expanding the Supplier Diversity Program is not a Project- It is a Transformation. This committee will continue to meet in perpetuity. And those numbers are steadily increasing. Monthly strategic sourcing meetings are being held with the Small Business Administration (SBA), the Kentucky Procurement Technical Assistance Center (KYPTAC) and Commerce Lexington Minority Business Development Program to work towards connecting DBE suppliers to our UK bids, RFPs, and departments. The Purchasing Division has prioritized the inclusion of diverse suppliers on vendor lists utilized as competitive bids and RFPs are issued. COVID-19 wasn't the great leveller many thought it would be. The goal is to help drive overall operational effectiveness and better position them for success with Dell and other large corporations. The University nurtures a diverse community characterized by fairness and equal opportunity. Interested in joining? Achievement #1: Marilyn Clark hired as UK Supplier Diversity Manager. Achievement #10: Implement Best in Class eProcurement Technology. Ahmad said that as the GSAs SDCUK goes forward, developing a certification for organisations to achieve could be an incentive to formally diversify their supply chains. If youre an enterprise-level venture or independently owned small business majority owned by a woman, minority, member of the LGBT community, or veteran and meet the following criteria wed love to hear from you. As the spotlight on systemic racism roils the United States, these programs are more important than ever, yet too few companies have them and many of those who do have allowed their diversity initiatives to become token gestures. A diverse supplier is a business that is at least 51% owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a traditionally underrepresented or underserved group. By working with diverse suppliers, we seek to provide opportunities to groups and communities who are or have been historically, socially and economically underrepresented. We work with leading global corporations that are committed to building diverse and inclusive supply chains. One of the key elements is to provide feedback to diverse suppliers if they are unsuccessful so that they can learn and grow from the experience. You can still keep your global supplier in conjunction with a diverse supplier closer to home. This allowed for reactive services to be provided that were responsive to requests for assistance but did not allow for proactive activities. Goal #7: Marilyn Serves on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for the National Association of Education Procurement (NAEP). This report is in the fine-tuning stage with the goal of having the report ready for use by July 1, 2021. The shared information and on-going collaboration are an amazing opportunity not only for UK, but for the community as well. UK has joined the Women's Business Enterprise Council Ohio River Valley (WBEC ORV) and the Tri-State Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC). BDR recognizes and celebrates corporations that spend at least $1 billion annually with minority- and women-owned businesses. Spring 2021 activities included the following: Achievement #13: Card Integrity Data Analysis Tool. Remember that you are aiming to create a long term and sustainable programme of supplier diversity. As part of its work to help people professionals tackle racism and racial discrimination in the workplace, the CIPD also published guidance ondeveloping an anti-racism strategy. MSDUK works with organisations, academia, investors and founders looking to join a diverse ecosystem of world-class professionals advocating for diversity and inclusion in global supply chains. Register as - All the barriers weve identified are surmountable if companies genuinely want to make their procurement strategies inclusive. Get guidance on IT solutions for your business. Goal #8: Launch Minority Business Survey Through Collaboration with Black Faith Leaders. Together Marilyn and George are a powerful team. The four (4) legged stool visual has been visually replaced by the graphic found below, which lists the fifth leg. Impact is the hub of the entire project, and this graphical representation effectively portrays that important point. Last year, our suppliers spent more than $921 million with diverse companies. They also advertise our competitive bids and RFPs on their websites thus increasing the exposure of our bid opportunities to the diverse business community. Plus, it has been proven that a more inclusive and diverse workforce/supply chain leads to improved market share and reduced operating costs a win-win scenarios from top to bottom. One of my company's clients, private equity firm Apollo Global Management, recently announced they are launching a supplier diversity program focused on growing direct and indirect spending. Small businesses that operate in a Historically Underutilized Business Zone or (HUBZone) help to bring economic growth to regions in desperate need of it. Visit our sites for the latest information on people management and development. Whilst supplier diversity can bring savings and efficiencies many organisations do not know where to start in building a diverse supply chain. The committee met on Monday each week during the fall 2020 semester and began to meet on a monthly basis beginning in January 2021. You can look out for directories such as theBAME Executive Coach Directory, or look at businesses that are nominated for or win awards, such as theBlack British Business AwardsorAsian Business Awards. Awareness and acceptance of the LGBT community and the challenges it faces is on the rise but theres still more that can be done. collaborating with government for tighter guidelines on supplier diversity. As one of McKinsey's 10 Actions toward racial equity, we set a goal of doubling spending with diverse suppliers in three years, which we surpassed in 2022. In 2023, we expect our growth to continue, with a focus on building a stronger community within our network and fostering partnerships with other business networks and diversity groups so that everyone can come together under one goal. The program was successfully launched with all 50 vouchers being claimed. Our investment and development of diverse-owned businesses provide economic impact, job creation and can lead to advanced products by accelerating growth, innovation and competitive advantage. Her books explore the empowerment of working women and women in leadership roles. We can never repay the debt we owe our veterans, but were determined to support veteran, and disabled veteran- owned businesses, and enterprises certified by the National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC ) and those that qualify as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Achievement #5: UK Joined Several External Organizations. provide practical guidelines and support on implementing a supplier diversity programme inclusive to all diversities, lobby government for tighter guidelines on supplier diversity, Complete the Supplier Diversity Survey Here. Learn more >, Build Up Local will be the one-stop shop for communities of color to learn about resources and programs made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These are businesses who are doing business with our direct suppliers. When we talk about diversity in suppliers, two of the leading advocate organisations in this space in the UK,MSDUKandWEConnect International, agree that a diverse supplier is one that is majority owned (51% or more) by those from a protected characteristic such as gender, race, disability or sexual orientation. Much work has already occurred in this area, but we must push forward and continue to build relationships and promote our efforts internally and externally. External UK is part of an extremely productive Community Partners collaboration. In an interview, Terrez Thompson, vice president of global supply inclusion and diversity at Coca-Cola, highlighted the role that diversity programs play in fostering entrepreneurship in highly impacted minority groups. We will accept certification from jurisdictions including but not limited to the following: The Purchasing Division provides procurement support to the University enterprise including academic, healthcare, research, athletics, facilities, and other areas. We all have biases and although unintentional your previous supply chain activity is likely to have been impacted by your own biases and structural bias that exists in your company and wider society. Explore the Network >, Our success is historic and unmatched with 15,000+ MBEs connected to 1,700+ corporations, resulting in $482.1 billion in economic output annually, sustaining 1.8 million jobs, with $136.4 billion in total wages earned. In addition, we prioritize sourcing from suppliers that demonstrate a strong commitment to supplier diversity within their own organizations. Do educate yourself on the topic of race, diversity and inclusion byreadingor followinganti-racist activistson social media and be prepared to havedifficult conversations around race and diversity, which will become easier with practice. Ultimately the goal is to quantify the impact our efforts are producing. To increase the amount of goods and services acquired by the university from businesses owned and controlled by diverse persons to 10% of all procurement Early movers in the electronics industry such as IBM established supplier diversity programs around the same time. Learn More>. Were a company with a global outlook, working across multiple countries at the intersection of many different cultures. Responsibility was assigned to a staff member who also was responsible for numerous other duties. MSDUK is the UK's leading supplier diversity advocacy organisation that represents and certifies ethnic minority-owned businesses and freelancer self-employed professionals. They will survey corporates for ideas on benchmarking and mentoring opportunities of 55 organizations representing 12 industries including higher education and healthcare and medical care. By working with DBE suppliers to prepare them to do business with UK we also prepare them to pursue other non-UK business opportunities. Email:, Our goals are defined as follows: Supplier Diversity Leaders Joining MSDUK and participating in events and meeting has opened doors for us with corporates., Register as - There is currently no best practice in the UK for Supplier Diversity. Stay up to date with our survey findings and guidance on people professional and workplace issues with our factsheets, reports, podcasts and more. An inclusive procurement strategy widens the pool of potential suppliers and promotes competition in the supply base, which can improve product quality and drive down costs. People manager guide: Fertility challenges, investigations or treatment, Fertility challenges, investigations and treatment: Guide to offering workplace support, Evidence-based HR: Make better decisions and step up your influence. These will guide our efforts going forward by tracking our progress and identifying areas for improvement. Sunita Hirani, senior contracts manager at the BBC, revealed that it has been a fairly recent realisation for her organisation that diversity & inclusion is not simply a matter of broadcast content but also across the full supply chain in procurement. February 23, 2023 (SMSDC) Southwest Minority Supplier Development Council "Annual Stakeholders' Meeting". 6 for Supplier diversity in Diversity Inc.'s Top 12 Companies for Supplier Diversity (2018-19) . The missing piece that has now been added to the conversation is Impact. Were a company with a global outlook, working across multiple countries at the intersection of many different cultures. And by providing more sourcing options, inclusiveness can make supply chains more resilient and agile an increasingly important advantage in these uncertain times. We value all comments, questions and suggestions, so please get in touch. Achievement #3: Advisory Committee Meetings Continue. Launched today [10 February] at the Global Sourcing Associations (GSA) Festival of Sourcing, the Supplier Diversity Council UKs aims include to define what diverse supply chain means and work with both buyers and suppliers to level the playing field for small and minority-owned businesses. To achieve intentional, sustainable, and impactful success, it is important to collaborate both internally and externally. Click. Common classifications are small-business enterprises (SBEs), minority-owned enterprises (MBEs), and woman-owned enterprises (WBEs). Another approach is to partner with relevant councils and chambers of commerce that provide these support systems. Please choose a new password to finish signing in. The number of diverse suppliers solicited and the number of diverse suppliers that submit bids and proposals are being tracked and a report will be developed. Get guidance on IT solutions for your business. To drive accountability in our supply chain, we monitor the amount our key suppliers spend with diverse suppliers themselves. 8 characters long, containing at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric and one special character. Awarding supplier contracts to small or lesser-known businesses is often seen as too risky, overburdensome numbers of pages in contracts weigh down organisations with few staff, and many small businesses lack understanding of how to get to put their businesses forward all are factors that can put small and minority-owned businesses at disadvantage in the UK, speakers at the launch said. Enjoy exclusive access to resources, connections, events and support to further develop yourself professionally. How can we embed a supplier diversity programme in a rigid procurement process? ConocoPhillips will support the below events for 2023. They also advertise our competitive bids and RFPs on their websites, thus increasing the exposure of our bid opportunities to the diverse business community. Goal #3: Complete Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Kentucky Procurement Technical Assistance Program (KYPTAC). Through supplier diversity, we drive the growth of diverse businesses in a manner that is catalytic to the economy and helps narrow gaps. enquiry. The metrics will be used to frame our reporting structure so we can track our progress and identify opportunities in the areas of maximum impact and importance. 1079797, difficult conversations around race and diversity. There is established best practice in the US, Hirani said, but it is difficult to find it in the UK., Moderator Kerry Halland elaborated: You cant just lift and shift this from the US.. Our Supplier Diversity Development Program focuses on refining skill sets for our diverse suppliers at multiple levels of maturity. Monthly Zoom meetings to discuss supplier diversity issues were held with interested members of the campus community. This will allow a baseline to be established, and progress monitored for fiscal year 2022 and beyond. Day 2 of the Festival will take a deep dive into all things supplier diversity and is open to anyone looking to learn more. University of Kentucky Supplier Diversity, University of Kentucky Strategic Plan 2021, Access the Kentucky Minority Business Database, 411 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506-0005, Tri State Minority Supplier Development Council (TSMSDC), National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC}, United States Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAAC), Historically Underutilized Business (HUB Zone). Support diverse vendors seeking to do business with the university in the areas of goods, services, construction and all areas of procurement The supplier diversity plan will include the blueprint we will follow in FY2022. UK participated in similar outreach events in May and will participate in additional events in June, July, and August. suppliers in the MSDUK network., As EMBs, we are agile, innovative teams who are not tied down with bureacracy and legacy. This group meets monthly, and attendees include staff from the Faith Leaders, Fayette County Schools, LFUCG, Commerce Lexington and UK. Its important to understand your current level of supplier diversity. Copyright The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2023, 151 The Broadway, London SW19 1JQ, UK Whatever stage you are in your career, we have a range of HR and L&D courses and qualifications to help you progress through your career in the people profession. We use cookies to give you the best website experience. The reports identified above will be distributed to relevant parties internally and externally for transparency and accountability purposes beginning in fiscal year 2022. Training efforts internally and externally will be a focus in this area. The initial review of our program utilizing this assessment tool indicated that UK is currently a level one program. changing customer base. Committing their time and equal contribution of high standard tangible outputs. For instance, as of 2019, the retailer Target spent $1.4 billion on goods and services provided by first-tier diverse suppliers and influenced its first-tier suppliers to buy over $800,000 worth of offerings from second-tier diverse suppliers. Google Supplier Diversity Registration of Interest. Please take a moment to complete our Supplier Diversity Survey. Common classifications. Inclusive procurement also delivers broader societal benefits by generating economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities. Data expertise is now the most sought-after digital skill, rising 376% since 2019, according to a new report. Jenny is an award-winning career coach, author and leadership trainer. Password must be at least During the 2021 Spring semester it became obvious to me that a four (4) legged stool was accurate but incomplete. South Africa Supplier Diversity Council (SASDC) Minority Supplier Development (MSD) is the international chapter of NMSDC. 1 A diversely owned supplier is a business that is at least . Does your business align with our strategic objectives? SDUK Supplier Diversity Day The GSA is delighted to announce its collaboration with the Council for Supplier Diversity UK (SDUK) for day 2 of the Festival of Sourcing 2023. We believe that when there is equal opportunity for participation, the benefits of diverse perspectives are mutual and long-lasting. About Us. Once you are making some progress on your target, however small, do let others in your company know. A good supplier diversity program also requires a significant time investment. A key initiative for SDUK is to understand the level of maturity of supplier diversity across enterprise buyers and to build a data set of current diversity levels within supply chains. I am happy to report progress is being made. Why focusing on years of experience could help reduce bias against returners, Charles Cotton, the CIPD's Senior Policy Adviser on performance and reward, looks at how the gender pay gap varies by sector and employer size, and asks why more employers arent being open about their pay practices, James Cockett, Labour Market Economist at the CIPD, analyses the UK Governments recent budget announcement on childcare reforms and the challenges in the sector, Research shows less than 1 in 10 organisations are focusing on improving social mobility at work. NMSDC serves as a growth engine for NMSDC-certified minority businesses and creates opportunities to connect MBEs to hundreds of Americas largest corporate members wishing to build relationships with trusted minority-owned companies. While her company, which is viewed by potential buyers as small, has had some great wins, she said, I have to have 10 conversations while a big competitor might have one. Why an increasingly diverse Europe need equality in procurement for ethnic minority entrepreneurs. Are you new to supplier diversity? Supplier diversity program MSDUK helps and supports ethnic minority businesses to break through inequalities and barriers inpublic and private sector supply chains. Get in touch with a Dell Technologies Representative with our quick, easy form and we'll help you fulfill your business needs. They have proven themselves to be agile in terms of responsiveness, Coca-Colas Thompson said. Please choose a new password to finish signing in. Collaborating with faculty on research projects and integrating student opportunities to participate in the program will also be a priority. Organisations responded by examining their workforce diversity, recruitment, talent pipelines and their ethnicity pay reporting. For example, UPS partners with and supports multiple councils and third parties such as the Womens Business Enterprise National Council, the National Minority Supplier Development Council, and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to run mentoring and training programs that support the growth and success of diverse suppliers. Through SDUK we aim to answer the following questions: Obstacles could include onerous paperwork, time consuming online portals or not enough turnaround time for the diverse supplier to respond. Marilyn is serving on the marketing committee. Kris Oswold, vice president of global supplier diversity at UPS, told us that her companys supplier diversity program, which started in 1992, grew out of its deepening desire to be more inclusive and do what is right. Its also helpful to let them know that most organisations don't win contracts the first time that they apply for them. Serves a global community by disseminating, sharing, and applying knowledge The feel-good factor associated with diversity programs can also burnish a brand. 2023 National Minority As with any business undertaking, you will always need to do your own checks and due diligence to make sure that the diverse supplier is right for you. University of Kentucky is committed to serve as an advocate for diverse businesses in their efforts to conduct business. Finally, and most importantly the tool can deliver a report that identifies our diverse business expenditures using the new codes in our SAP system and then enriching the data using diverse supplier information resident in the Card Integrity database. The aim is not to simply tick a box, but to create a strong articulated business case for supplier diversity, aligned with your diversity and inclusion strategy, and to gain senior level commitment and full support for the programme. The next three (3) months will be consumed by the implementation of two (2) critical components of our Supplier Diversity infrastructure and building upon the good work completed to date. As corporate members, we know we need new Supplier Development Council, Inc. NMSDC Certification Reimbursement Initiative, Growth Initiative & Capital Managers Program, NMSDC 50th Anniversary Conference & Exchange, Advanced Management Executive Program (AMEP). that diversity is crucial to fostering This committee will continue to meet in perpetuity. The Purchasing Division central office is located at Room 322 Peterson Service Building at 411 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506-0005. The UPS program has evolved in the ways it identifies and helps fledgling diverse suppliers. For more information about our organization, please . During COVID-19, many sectors saw a reduction in productivity, meaning businesses were forced to consider what is available more locally to them. Learn more about the people profession its wide-ranging roles and expertise, the standards we uphold, and the impact our profession makes. Phone (Central Office): (859) 257-9100 How does Britain look like now and how it will look in the future. New guidance to help organisations support employees experiencing menopause or menstruation has been published by BSI. To increase our expenditures with Diverse Business Enterprises an obvious initial requirement is to locate them so they can be contacted and made aware of opportunities. Supplier diversity professionals who have led a program for a minimum of two consecutive years and have CEO and executive leadership's commitment to advance supply chain inclusion. + Through our research, which includes interviews with companies and diversity organizations as well analyses of media coverage and company reports, we have mapped the history of diversity programs and their social and commercial impacts. Supplier diversity programs are also a selling point when hiring. You may believe that this approach is the most economical option due to economies of scale, however, because many diverse suppliers are often small and medium sized businesses, their size makes them agile; they have fewer overheads, are more flexible and that can offer better value for money. Goal #6: Participate in the Minority Business Expo. This reinforces your commitment and galvanizes energy to make continued progress. The Purchasing Division and University Financial Services partnered to license an analytical tool called Card Integrity. Learn More Meet your Program Director Michael Byron This would help the diverse supplier be better equipped to submit proposals when the opportunities arise. Council Members | Supplier Diversity Founding Members: Sara Ahmad Associate Director & Lead, Strategic Sourcing & Procurement UKI at BMS Sara Ahmad has nearly 20 years' experience in Strategic Sourcing covering local, regional and global roles. a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. The tool can also be used to provide expenditure reports for use in the Purchasing Division for strategic sourcing activities. Work is underway to develop a series of classes and technical support in partnership with KYPTAC starting in July 2021. MSDUK is the UKs leading supplier diversity advocacy organisation that represents and certifies ethnic minority-owned businesses and freelancer self-employed professionals. Pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb has an intensive US programme for supply chain diversification that reflects US government requirements, as well as its company ethos.
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