or skyline? Aristotle's list of 6 components of a tragedy is not really respected or used today. Theresa Rebeck Tony Kushner Suzan Lori-Parks David Henry Hwang, 1. a. melodrama b. farce c. tragedy d. tragicomedy, Ultimately, the practice of dividing plays into genre is a. mandated by professional organizations b. completely objective in deciding which play belongs to to which genre. The playwright's skill at condensing a story that may pans many days or years of chronological time into a theatrical time frame is called compression. mimetic motion. 1. collection. only observed for high scholarly writings to be analyzed. One term for a long-standing, collective group of theatre practitioners who have worked together is corporation. True False, 1. a. self-reflective b. inspirational c. external d. virtuosic, The term mimesis means a. mimicry b. costume c. falseness d. problem, The actor's instrument is his/her a. self b. body c. wardrobe d. voice. 1. b. the director's determination of the most important of the many images, ideas and emotions that will give the production meaning, b. the director's determination of the most important of the many images, ideas and emotions that will give the production meaning, Which of the following is NOT included in the conceptualization of a play? The central character in any type of drama is called the tragic hero. true or false. b) does not contain Gods, but rather contemporary forces. 1. appearance. An audience member's aesthetic sensibility and response is, a composite of many individual reactions and therefore subjective, Plays that deal with theatrical matter not simply as a vehicle but as a theme are called, Which of the following is NOT an example of a play that makes the theatre a matter in the play itself, What word fits the definition of "that which holds the attention? The 3 stages of the actor's routine are personal training, premiering and running the show. Which element describes the play's use of rhythm and sounds, either by way of instrumental composition or the orchestration of such noises as muffled drumbeats, gunshots, special effects, and vocal tones? The audience is not a part of the definition of conventions of the theatre. a. both can be easily categorized into diff genres such as comedy and tragedy b. both are unconcerned with serious issues and only focus on having fun. theme. Actors have lost interest in internal acting. performance technique. a history play. a song taught on the spot to show the actor's vocal range and intelligence. Ultimately, the practice of dividing plays into genre is always subjective because each play is unique. b. a person who constructs and composes a play as a wheelwright makes a wheel. t/f, The disadvantages of live performance include its two-way communication between the audience and actors unification of group responses, and live immediacy which makes every show novel and different. language. intensity. The three basic components of theatre are. a) The script is a silhouette or outline of the play itself, which fully exists in performance only. True of False. The purging or cleansing of the audience's pity and terror at the climax of a tragedy is called. seeing place. Since the development of motion pictures, theatre has suffered declining attendance, revenues, and numbers of theatres in America. The core element of every play is character. Your team has been asked to develop a project document that will be submitted to the CEO. The actors spoke in verse. THE 101 Midterm Flashcards | Chegg.com a. David Henry Hwang b. George C. Wolfe c. Tony Kushner D. Stephen Sondheim, The playwright works with two fundamental tools: a. the actors and the set designer b. the impact of the social environment and the audience's sense of values c. dialogue and physical action d. the psychology of the characters and the viewpoint of the author, A play in which events are connected to each other in strict, chronological, cause-effect continuity and in which dramatic experience attempts to convoy a life like progression of experience through time is a. continuous in structure and linear in chronology b. continuous in structure nonlinear in chronology c. discontinuous, nonlinear, d. discontinuous, linear, a. continuous in structure and linear in chronology, 1 diff between the playwright in Shakespeare's time and the contemp playwright is that playwright a. was an individual artist, but today playwrights publish their work b. was a member of a collab or collective economic artistic body c. no longer functions as a director but now considered an independent artist, c. playwright no longer functions as a director but is now considered an independent artist, The playwright's skill at condensing a story that may spans many days or years of chronological time into a theatrical time frame is called a. compression b. gravity c. elaboration d. intensity, Acting is low-income life, more often than not depressing, anxious and beset by demands for sacrifice from every direction--psychologically, financially and morally. Which of the following is true of the history of the directors role? Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Andre Antoine is primarily known as an expressionist director. Which dramatic genre offers a wild, hilarious treatment of trivial theme, usually based on stock component like identical twins, switched identities, lovers in closets, and might include full stage chases, misheard instructions, various disrobings, discoveries, and disappearances? Which of the following offers a way that the playwright can present a play's exposition? The task of securing all necessary personnel, space, and financing; supervising all production and promotion efforts; fielding all legal matters; and distributing the proceeds derived from receipts falls to the, The responsibilities for admitting, seating, and providing for the general comfort of the audience fall to the, The person who controls and develops the artistic product and provides it with a unified vision is the. Which of the following is NOT a possible meaning of "theatre"? A play's final scene, action, or lines that indicate the end of conflicts, and possibly even bring about resolution, is called the pathos. 1. true or false, Realistic scenery attempts to depict, ingreat detail, a specific name and place in the observable world where the play's events are presumed to take place. Aristotle's term for the play's abstracted intellectual content is "thesis" True or False. provides an escape from life. t/f, Performance is an action or series of actions taken for the ultimate benefit of the performers. The word "theatre" comes from the Greek theatron, which means acting place. b) He wanted to discourage stage "magic" in order to appeal to the audience directly about social issues. Symbolism is far more important in theatrical performances than in film. gravity. Tragic suffering differs form pathetic or maudlin feelings in that: The tragic hero takes on a bold and heroic dimension because he or she faces huge odds. Which of the following offers a way that the playwright can present a plays exposition? The presentational mode of performance acknowledges the audience--as in the case of the nightclub performer who sings, dances,jokes and responds overtly to applause. The purging or cleansing of the audiences pity and terror at the climax of a tragedy is called. a. physical mode of acting b. mental mode of acting c. external mode of acting d. internal mode of acting, Today, the debate over inside or outside styles of acting a. is largely diminished, with Stanislavsky and classical technique both emphasized b. is still unresolved, with the U.S. and England bitterly divided c. has resolved by abandoning both and embracing entirely new forms d. is purely an academic distinction since actor training has never actually seen itself as "representational", a. is largely diminished with Stanislavsky and classical technique both emphasized, The term used for the technical skills needed for professional acting, focusing primarily on the voice and body is a. expressiveness b. credibility c. virtuosity d. imitation, Directed stage actions that are precisely scripted physical behaviors worked out in blocking are called a. mimetic motion b. platforming c. stage business d. performance technique, Who maintained that the actor should be "an unmoved and disinterested onlooker" and imitate emotion rather than feel it? Great, superior acting must transcend mere technique or training and elevate itself into something much higher. Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. True or false. True or false. theatre is live, scripted, and rehearsed. sound notes syllabic counterpoint Music Orchestra, 1. Directors typically look for a performer's personal history that exactly matches that of the character in an audition. Ultimately, the practice of dividing plays into a genre is, The six components of a play which Aristotle lists, in order of importance, are, Plot, character, theme, diction, music, and spectacle, The audience is NOT part of the definition of conventions of the theatre, According to the text, every person may be considered a playwright because, The unconscious stages an association of words and ideas when we sleep, A person who constructs a play as a wheelwright makes a wheel. Clicker qs Flashcards by Bryce Graham | Brainscape The quality of stage dialogue that makes it achieve max impact when spoken and which requires the playwright to be attentive to the audial shape of lang., including the meaning of the dialogue and the rhythm of sound is called stageability. While both theatre and sport are public spectacles, theatre differs from sports activities because sports activities have more players. The development of blank fostered the great period of scenery design. 4 Q A play's final scene, action, or lines that indicate the end of conflicts, and possibly even bring about resolution, is called the . Which one of the following is part of the horizontal axis of dramaturgy? mask. the representational mode. A perfect example of the actor's nemesis is star status. True False, 1. Which style of acting does this statement describe most closely? b. while the actor disappears or seems lifeless the simulated character seems to live, The distinctive feature of theatre, which separates it from other arts, is that theatre employs a. scripts b. visuals c. symbolism d. impersonation, The English word for person comes from the Latin word for a. humor b. appearance c. mask, One term for a long-standing, collective group of theatre practitioners who have worked together is a. posse b. troupe c. conflagration d. collection, What is the relationship between "child's play" and the theatre? b) the company of players. inspirational virtuosic self-reflective external. 1. True False. Why do comedies typically go out-of-date more quickly than tragedies? 1, 90-135,d, Poland. does not contain Gods, but rather contemporary forces. a. to envision the main lines of the production and provide the artistic leadership to realize that vision b. to start with a concept and then find the play, funding, producer and the staging to accommodate it c. to find the funding to support the concept, a. to envision the main lines of the production and provide the artistic leadership to realize that vision, The ancient Greek word for director is a. himation meaning "holy one" b. spargasmos, meaning "dividing into parts" c. didaskalos meaning "teacher' d. tyrannos meaning "leader", Which type of rehearsal occurs near the end of the rehearsal process, as the play comes closer to production time but before the actors apply makeup? Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. The audience is not a part of the definition of conventions of the theatre. A play in which every character possesses an independence of intention and expression, and whose motivation appears sensible in the light of our general knowledge of psychology and human behavior, possesses a. stageability b. pertinence c. depth of characterization d. gravity, A play that relates in some fashion to the current personal concerns of the audience is said to possess gravity. The word "theatre" comes from the Greek theatron, which means, The word "drama" comes from the Greek dran, which means, The minimal requirement for a theatre "building" is. Feel free to get in touch with us via email. Full file at https://testbankuniv.eu/Theatre-Brief-11th-Edition-Cohen-Test-Bank. 1. The project is to expand operations into Ghana and establish True or False. Theatre is an art because it a. provides an escape from life b. is not always enjoyable c. is always restricted by form d. combines emotions, intellect and aesthetics, d. combines emotions, intellect and aesthetics. Tragedy typically deals with great people, whereas comedy deals with ordinary people, The person who opposes the carrier of the action is called the. A play in which events are connected to each other in strict, chronological, cause-effect continuity, and in which dramatic experience attempts to convey a lifelike progression of experience through time, is classified as discontinuous in structure and linear in chronology. b. symbolism is far more important in theatrical performances than in film c. regional dialect is more effectively used in film than in theatre d. the theatrical performance has a script whereas filmed performances are most often impromptu. The play, The Laramie Project can be classified as a documentary drama. False Which of the following best defines theatre? dialogues. Comedies that use a more bleak humor in dealing with serious themes are known as, Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman is different than its classically tragic ancestors bc it. Stanislavsky's system stresses the actor's work with the zadacha which is a. the temporal and geographical context for the production b. the character's "problem" or "goal"; that is, what the character desires to achieve c. the actor's sweet dreams, defined in terms of psychological anxiety hidden in the recesses of the self.
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