The quickest way to find an entrepreneur is to enter his unique data, such as NIP or REGON. SendTo(' ', '', 'intrelations', '', 'intrelations //'); Warszawa In such a situation, it is possible to find information concerning this partnership only by the REGON register (information on this subject is provided below). The portal is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. Insurance market 2/2017, Quarterly Bulletin. Polish media reported that he had been dropped from officiating the match between Manchester City and Inter Milan on June 10 in Istanbul but efforts were being made to restore him. If he/she has a PESEL number in its entry, the CEIDG system will automatically link it to the entry. If you need to identify a business or verify a company's existence in Poland, obtain information sourced from Polish company register. Verify company in Poland - REGON, KRS, NIP. This means that there is no need to set up a special account in an ICT system and the only requirement for the use of the Internet is that the authorised persons have and employ secure electronic signatures verified by a valid qualified certificate. You can print this information by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page (Print/Download PDF). Poland, officially the Republic of Poland is a country located in Central Europe. One of the PSC functions is assuring access to information on: The Point of Single Contact does not provide counsel in individual cases. yes no Sole traders are eligible to tax benefits and have the same business benefits as Polish citizens. The National Debt Register - Office of Economic Information SAprovides services to all economic entities, ranging from sole traders, small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations. The Polish Business Register (the National Court Register) is operated and managed by the Polish Ministry of Justice. If the register contains data that are inadmissible in terms of the law, the registry court, after having given a hearing to the persons concerned at a meeting or after having ordered them to submit a written statement, shall automatically remove the data. We are able to conduct a company name search and obtain company search reports and copies of official documents. If you want to assess financial performance and creditworthiness we provide information you need : in-depth analysis or financial annual accounts. 2. If you need more detailed information about the contractor, such as his financial condition, you can use the services of Business Information Offices. The letter will have to be sent to the Small and Medium Enterprises Department of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology at or by post to the following address: Plac Trzech Krzyy 3/5, 00-507 Warsaw. Insurance market 3/2017, Quarterly Bulletin. Safari. 3. Valuable information may also be provided by the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept by the National Court Register. If there are more than 100 results, they will not be displayed. Property in marriage & civil partnerships, Recognition & enforcement of court decisions, Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive (1999/44), Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (2005/29), Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive (2006/114), Trainings, judicial networks and agencies, European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters, European Judicial Network in criminal matters, Restrictions on successions special rules, Property consequences of registered partnerships, Parental responsibility - child custody and contact rights, Cross-border placement of a child including foster family, Children from Ukraine civil judicial cooperation, Court fees concerning European Payment Order procedure, Court fees concerning Small Claims procedure, Securing assets during a claim in EU countries, Service of documents: official transmission of legal documents, Online processing of cases and e-communication with courts, European Investigation Order, mutual legal assistance and Joint Investigation Teams, Which countrys court is responsible (Conflicts of jurisdiction), Judgments in civil and commercial matters forms, Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility forms, European Account Preservation Order forms, Mutual recognition of protection measures forms, Judgments in civil and commercial matters - Brussels I Regulation, Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, Brussels IIb Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility (recast), Mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters, Matters of the property consequences of registered partnerships, If my claim is to be considered in this country, If my claim is to be sent from this country to another EU country, If my claim (from another country) is to be considered in this country, Mutual recognition of protection measures, Part I - Protecting fundamental rights within the European Union, Part II - When can an individual seek protection under the Charter, Part III - Scope of application, interpretation and effects of the Charter, National courts and other non-judicial bodies, Other EU and International complaint bodies, Member States best practices on the Charter, Access to justice in environmental matters, Covid-19 impact on civil and insolvency matters, European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) search engine, Freedom of movement and other Union citizens rights, Business registers search for a company in the EU, Bankruptcy & insolvency registers - search for insolvent debtors in the EU, Beneficial Ownership Registers search for beneficial ownership information, Initial training of judges in the European Union, Initial training of prosecutors in the European Union, Initial training of lawyers in the European Union, Assistance to judges & other judicial authorities, Information on national law (information sheets), Cooperation with non-EU countries and judicial networks. 1. The Polish Business Register (the National Court Register) is operated and managed by the Polish Ministry of Justice. If it does not exist, he/she will immediately receive a application for a change from you, on which you will fill in the missing data. Al. Find your entry in the database of entrepreneurs and see in the history of your entry whether you submitted any applications after 1 January 2012. 595.271", "Nkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret Brnnysundregistrene", "Announcements The Brnnysund Register Centre", "CEIDG Przed wypenieniem wniosku, wniosek o zawieszenie dziaalnoci gospodarczej, wasna dziaalno, wasna firma", "Rejestr instytucji szkolnictwa wyszego", "Rejestr zwizkw midzygminnych, rejestr zwizkw powiatw oraz rejestr zwizkw powiatowo-gminnych", "Baza Jednostek Samorzdu Terytorialnego", "Rejestr kociow i innych zwizkw wyznaniowych", "Wykaz europejskich ugrupowa wsppracy terytorialnej", "Elektroniczny dostp do Sdw Rejestrowych/Centralnej Informacji/MSIG", "National and Community Plant Variety Protection", "List of breeders, breeders' representatives and licensees", "Rejestr jachtw i innych jednostek pywajcych o dugoci do 24 metrw", "Rejestr administracyjny statkw eglugi rdldowej", "Wykaz beneficjentw Wsplnej Polityki Rolnej", "Wykaz podmiotw posiadajcych wiadectwo bezpieczestwa przemysowego", "Lista wydanych przez Sub Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego (SKW) wiadectw bezpieczestwa przemysowego", "Krajowy Rejestr Adwokatw i Aplikantw Adwokackich", "Rejestr osb prawnych uprawnionych do wykonywania czynnoci doradztwa podatkowego", "Rejestr przedsibiorcw posiadajcych koncesj na wykonywanie dziaalnoci gospodarczej w zakresie wytwarzania i obrotu materiaami wybuchowymi, broni, amunicj oraz wyrobami i technologi o przeznaczeniu wojskowym lub policyjnym", "Rejestr przedsibiorcw wykonujcych dziaalno regulowan w zakresie usug detektywistycznych", "Uzyskaj koncesj na wykonywanie dziaalnoci gospodarczej w zakresie usug ochrony osb i mienia", "Uzyskaj wpis do rejestru podmiotw wykonujcych zawodow dziaalno lobbingow", "Zakady wzajemne i gry hazardowe przez Internet", "Rejestr Podmiotw Wykonujcych Dziaalno Lecznicz", "Rejestr producentw i importerw produktw leczniczych", "Krajowy rejestr wytwrcw, importerw i dystrybutorw substancji czynnych", "Rejestr przedsibiorcw wykonujcych dziaalno w zakresie wyrobu lub rozlewu wyrobw winiarskich", "Rejestr podmiotw wykonujcych dziaalno w zakresie wyrobu i przetwarzania alkoholu etylowego", "Rejestr producentw wyrobw tytoniowych", "Rejestr dziaalnoci w zakresie wyrobu lub rozlewu napojw spirytusowych", "Ewidencja zakadw leczniczych dla zwierzt", "Rejestr pierwszych podmiotw skupujcych mleko krowie", "Centralna Ewidencja Organizatorw Turystyki i Przedsibiorcw Uatwiajcych Nabywanie Powizanych Usug Turystycznych", "Rejestr przedsibiorcw telekomunikacyjnych", "Pozwolenia morskie i eglugi rdldowej", "Permits for ground handling at the airports", "Zezwolenie na zarzdzanie portem lotniczym", "Registry of Road Transport Undertakings", "Status, tasks and funding of public broadcasters", "List of licensed broadcasters and operators", "Portal MJ Publicao On-Line de Acto Societrio", "Ageni economici i instituii publice date de identificare, informaii fiscale, bilanuri", "Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului Organizations", "Business Register of the Slovak Republic on Internet searching by business name", "Seznami davnih zavezancev | FINANNA UPRAVA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE", "KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation Searching by securities", "ATVP Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev", "Find company information Bolagsverket", "Ministrio da Justia e Direitos Humanos | Detalhes", "Financial Services Regulatory Commission", "AFIP Administracin Federal de Ingresos Pblicos", "Electronic Register, Government of Armenia", "Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations", "Azerbaycan Respublikasi Vergilr Nazirliyi", "Ministry of Taxes Information about taxpayers", "Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms", "Search our Database Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office", "International Business Companies Registry eData", "Corporate Regulatory Authority of Bhutan,MoENR", "JUCEA Junta Comercial do Estado do Amazonas", "Incio 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"Register a business name or a limited partnership", "Justice and Public Safety: Corporate/Business Names Registry", "Corporate Affairs Department of Community Services- Government of Yukon", "YUKON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | BUSINESS DIRECTORY", "Imprensa Nacional de Cabo Verde quiosque digital", "Agence Nationale des Investissements et des Exportations", "CMF Comision para el Mercado Financiero", "Registro oficial de proveedores del estado", "GovHK: Business Registration Number Enquiry", "HKSFC Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions", "Buscar Procesos Superintendencia de Sociedades", "Sistema de Informacin y Reporte Empresarial Superintendencia de Sociedades", "Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia", "Rpublique du Congo Secrtariat gnral du Gouvernement Journal officiel ACCUEIL", "Financial Supervisory Commission Cook Islands:: Home", "Comprared Sistema de Compras Pblicas Bsqueda de proveedores", "Name Search Companies & Intellectual Properties Office", "Oficina 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committee Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Electronic licensing of the Republic of Kazakhstan. constitutes the main source of supply for the base of units drawn for statistical surveys. The data in the register shall be presumed to be correct. Article15. Insurance market 1/2019, Quarterly Bulletin. You can always change your browser settings and block these files. information on the dates of submission of financial statements (as a rule, once a calendar year a company is obliged to submit such statements - failure to fulfil this obligation may or may not indicate unfair intentions of the company - it may be a missing taxpayer). An entity that is required to submit an application for entry in the register may not, against third parties acting in good faith, invoke data which have not been entered in, or have been removed from, the register. Go to any municipal office where the official will find your entry and check if there is a PESEL on it. Note: All activities related to the entry into the National Official Business Register, hereinafter referred to as REGON held by the President ofStatistics Poland are FREE of charge. In order to find an entity in the register of insolvent debtors, it is necessary to know the RDN number (the number at which the debtor was entered in the register). In case of discrepancies between the register entry and its publication in the Economic and Court Journal, the register entry shall be legally binding. It provides information about companies, associations and other legal entities. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of 20 August 1997 on the NationalCourtRegister (Journal of Laws 2013, item 1203): Article12. Articles published on the GOV.PL website in which we do not provide any additional information on copyright are public information and are made available free of charge. The Polish Company Register Search (also called, in different countries, registration certificate - registry extract - commercial registration certificate - company registry extract or excerpt - certificate of incumbency) is an official document issued by Poland company register contains : company's legal data (name, legal type, etc.) The email address given in the form will receive; confirmation of inquiry entry, information on case status change and, naturally, the reponse itself. In this case, select the box "Include the crossed out ones". Maritime Offices: in Szczecin and in Gdynia: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) , National Institute of Cultural Heritage -, National Chamber of Attorneys at Law (KIRP) List of Attorneys at Law (and their offices), National Council of Notaries (KRN) List of notarial offices, Polish Agency for Audit Oversight (PANA) List of Audit Firms, National Chamber of Tax Advisors (KIDP) Register of Juridical Persons Authorized to Perform Tax Advisory Activities, State Sanitary Inspection - Register of Establishments Producing or Marketing Food Subject to the Official Control of the State Sanitary Inspection (non-searchable) - includes farmers cultivating plants, wholesalers, retailers and other undertakings involved in production, processing or marketing of food intended for human consumption, other than production, processing or marketing of animal-derived food already supervised by the Veterinary Inspection), as well as all gastronomy establishments, and producers or recyclers of materials designated for contact with food intended for human consumption; Register of Cosmetic Product Producers (non-searchable); List of designated yellow fever vaccination centers, State Pharmaceutical Inspection (PIF) Register of Manufacturers and Importers of Medicinal Products, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (URPLWMiPB) Register of Medicinal Products and the Register of Marketing Aurhorization Holders register of all medicines with market authorization in Poland; including those authorized by the, Polish Medicines Verification Organisation Foundation (KOWAL) - national operator of the European Medicines Verification System (non-searchable), National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians (KIDL) List of Diagnostic Medical Laboratories list of healthcare entities operating a clinical laboratory, Veterinary Inspection (IW) Lists and registers of supervised establishments, including: production, processing and marketing of meat, eggs, fish, milk, and dairy, production and marketing of animal feed, list of veterinary pharmaceutical wholesalers (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies), Polish National Veterinary Chamber (KILW) - List of Veterinary Care Establishments, State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service (PIORiN) various registers of undertakings performing activities related to plant health, plant protection products and equipment used to apply them, seed production, as well as integrated plant production (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies), National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) (some of these lists also include individual farmers whose farms have not been registered as companies) Register of biocomponent producers, Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMiR) Register of Producers, Agricultural Holdings and Applications for Payment Entitlements, Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) Central Records of Tour Operators and Entrepreneurs Facilitating Linked Travel Arrangements, Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) Register of Postal Operators. For example, if you only enter a street name and a city, the search results will show all the entrepreneurs registered on that street in that city. After clicking "display" in the "Details" column you will see a page where you can find basic information about the company you are interested in (address, form of activity, identification numbers, date of entry/removal). We contact the National Court Register Registry and obtain the latest information on the Polish company which will show the company's current position and status. Get online information about 4.5 Polish companies : Reports display information gathered from local sources : NCR, official gazette Reports bring you fresh information to make the right decision when doing business in Poland. [600] (There are currently around 45 cantonal commercial registers in Switzerland. If the data entered in the register do not conform to the entity's application, or if there is no application, the entity may not, against a third party acting in good faith, plead that the data are incorrect if it failed to immediately submit an application to amend, supplement or delete the entry.. The provisions of the Act of 20 August 1997 on the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007, no. You may find that the entrepreneur you are looking for has been removed from the register. 13 par. You will be able to ask the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology to restore the entry and put the missing data on it. How to search the Polish business register. It is particularly suitable for viewing business data, while legal use is not advised. You have received an interesting offer of cooperation, but would like to make sure that your potential business partner is a registered and active entrepreneur? Property in marriage & civil partnerships, Recognition & enforcement of court decisions, Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive (1999/44), Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (2005/29), Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive (2006/114), Trainings, judicial networks and agencies, European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters, European Judicial Network in criminal matters, Restrictions on successions special rules, Property consequences of registered partnerships, Parental responsibility - child custody and contact rights, Cross-border placement of a child including foster family, Children from Ukraine civil judicial cooperation, Court fees concerning European Payment Order procedure, Court fees concerning Small Claims procedure, Securing assets during a claim in EU countries, Service of documents: official transmission of legal documents, Online processing of cases and e-communication with courts, European Investigation Order, mutual legal assistance and Joint Investigation Teams, Which countrys court is responsible (Conflicts of jurisdiction), Judgments in civil and commercial matters forms, Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility forms, European Account Preservation Order forms, Mutual recognition of protection measures forms, Judgments in civil and commercial matters - Brussels I Regulation, Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, Brussels IIb Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility (recast), Mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters, Matters of the property consequences of registered partnerships, If my claim is to be considered in this country, If my claim is to be sent from this country to another EU country, If my claim (from another country) is to be considered in this country, Mutual recognition of protection measures, Part I - Protecting fundamental rights within the European Union, Part II - When can an individual seek protection under the Charter, Part III - Scope of application, interpretation and effects of the Charter, National courts and other non-judicial bodies, Other EU and International complaint bodies, Member States best practices on the Charter, Access to justice in environmental matters, Covid-19 impact on civil and insolvency matters, European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) search engine, Freedom of movement and other Union citizens rights, Business registers search for a company in the EU, Bankruptcy & insolvency registers - search for insolvent debtors in the EU, Beneficial Ownership Registers search for beneficial ownership information, Initial training of judges in the European Union, Initial training of prosecutors in the European Union, Initial training of lawyers in the European Union, Assistance to judges & other judicial authorities, Information on national law (information sheets), Cooperation with non-EU countries and judicial networks.
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